Working Lives


Life at Reckitt and Colmans (1943-1987)

This account of a happy childhood, adolescence and working life within the Colmans community will stir many memories. Do you remember the Carrow ‘Steam Horn', the railway and Alpha and Beta, the dark days of the bombings, the works canteen and the Carrow Abbey Dining Room? The contributor, who was employed at Reckitt and Colmans in the electrical field for 44 years gives a vivid picture of evolving working conditions and staff relations throughout the 20th century at Carrow.

Early life in the Colmans community

Casualties of the War

Time to enter the workforce as an apprentice electrician

Conscription and back to the expanding company

Working conditions and staff relations throughout the 20th century

Expansion – then redundancies and takeovers

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